A vacation from my vacation
I just got back from an epic adventure in Hood River windsurfing/biking/golfing (all done very poorly) with my old compatriots. It's been 18 years since we last got together, so things had changed a bit, but it was great to get back on the water after I found the right combination of gear to float my sorry ass. My friends somewhat enjoy terrorizing me by taking me places where I don't belong. It used to be downhill skiing (they were experts, I was a noob) but this time it was a mountain bike ride (same deal - I haven't even ridden a bike for 10 years). Anyway, I survived and there were great wild blackberries at the end of the ride, so it wasn't a total loss.Two weeks?
Now, we're roughly 2 weeks from shipping off for unknown shores and it's finally coming home to me that we're really going to do this. Don't know where I've been for the last 3 months, you'd think I'd be aware of the departure date creeping up, but suddenly, it's almost here. The last 3 months have been nonstop work to get the boat ready and fix things that I've broken. I've been so immersed in getting through my list of things to do that I haven't really been thinking about the bigger event. Now I can really feel the, "what the heck do we think we're doing" with this big milestone coming like a freight train. It didn't look so scary off in the distance.Beth is dealing with her last two weeks of work (only 6 work days left!). She's amazingly busy for someone who won't be there in a few days. I'll have to explain the concept of "quitting her job" to her. Time to shift gears and get focused on the boat/journey preparations that she needs to do.
The good news is that I feel we have a pretty good handle on the remaining tasks. I'm now trying to sell the cars, which is a little unpredictable, but I'm sure it will work out. Most of my big projects are done and the boat is stuffed with stuff. Not sure where the windsurfer I bought in Oregon will go, but I'll fit it somewhere where it will be inconveniently in the way.